
IBE® Certified Stories > Kristina Brown

Kristina Brown


Platform artist

How IBE® Will Change Your Career

IBE® marked a pivotal moment in my career, providing the confidence and extension education I needed. At the start of my journey, I felt overwhelmed, overworked, and uncertain about how to distinguish myself. The structured education and the prospect of advancing in Masters offered precisely what I was seeking, transforming my professional path.

How IBE® Helped My Clients

Many of my clients have experienced hair loss due to illness or chemical damage. With IBE, my clients regain confidence in their hair without compromising the health and integrity of their scalp and natural hair. I have yet to witness a method as clean and flawless, even after 10 weeks of growth.

My IBE® Mentor Experience

Collaborating 1:1 with my mentor not only boosted my confidence in my work but also provided swift and efficient answers to all my queries. She went above and beyond to assist me in areas where I faced challenges. Their deep understanding of my needs left me feeling fully prepared and ready to offer the benefits of IBE to my future clients.